Solano Avenue Stroll
Participants Info & Application:

1 Basic Info 2 Choose Category 3 Info & Fees Application

Step 3: Category 01 - Arts & Crafts Vendor

About this Category

How to apply

Day of Event Info

Frequently Asked Questions

What items are appropriate / what can I sell?

Typically, we do not invite "outside vendors" to sell items that are in direct competition with the existing group of merchants on Solano Avenue. That being said, in the hand-crafted section there is a saturation of product types (jewelry, etc.). Please keep in mind that there are existing merchants on Solano Avenue who may participate outside of their stores - selling items that may conflict with yours in both category and price point. Please be sure to complete the "Artist Statement" on the registration form, and check your surroundings once you have your map to address any issues 30 days prior to the event.

Where is the Arts and Crafts Section?

The Arts and Crafts section is mid-avenue, from Curtis (in Albany) to approximately Ventura (in Berkeley). There are relatively fewer performers and food vendors in this area. Most of the objects for sale in the crafters area are to be "hand crafted "; there may or may not be a "commercial " vendor mixed-in - the merchants are allowed to use the front of their stores in any way they see fit and therefore you may see "out of category " or not crafted items for sale.

Do I have to submit photos every year as an arts and crafts vendor?

Yes. The SAA [volunteer] Board of directors "updates " every year, and so current Board Members need to be able to review your work.

How important are the photos?

We can not stress enough how important your images are; especially the one of you "actually manufacturing your product! Your application may be returned to you as incomplete, even if you are a repeat participant, we must have those pictures of your doing your own work.

When will I know if I am going to participate?

" Jurying " of the arts/craft participants takes place every year promptly at the end of June. We will let you know soon afterwards by email - usually by July.

Do I have to provide an extra envelope for photo (or cd) return or is it optional?

It is optional in either/both cases. (Applicable to performers and arts/crafters only.)

How do the jury fees work?

There are two separate checks/money-orders involved: The "jury fee " is a non-refundable payment for us to determine if you qualify as a Crafter. The second payment is deposited once you are accepted - sent back or destroyed if not. Both checks/money-orders should be made out to the "Solano Avenue Association ".

What if I see "buy and sell " or non-hand-crafted items for sale in the Arts/Crafts area?

Please let us know! We rely on the vendors to self-police the section. Please let us know, anonymously if necessary who you suspect of selling non-crafted items. The integrity of the crafters area is of paramount importance to us and in 2010 (and thereafter) we will step-up the "jurying " process and getting into the crafters area will become more difficult.

Do I need insurance?

Only participants who are selling/serving food items and or hosting physical activities; crafters, commercial vendors and performers do not need insurance certificates.

How many envelopes do I need?

Arts and craft participants need to send in one self addressed, stamped envelope, and an additional SASE if - if you want items returned.

I am a face-Painter / Henna artists, am I considered a Crafter?

No. You are a "Commercial Art Activity" (Category 04).

I am a photographer. regarding the image of me "actually manufacturing my product" Do you want a photograph of me taking pictures?

Yes. In fact be sure to include your equipment and anything else in the image as well. The point is that you are taking the photographs yourself and you are not re-selling other people's work.

I received my media (pictures, CD, etc.) back from you in an envelope with no paperwork what gives?

If you included a postage-paid envelope for material returns we return your materials to you with no additional items or communication, just the materials you wanted back (usually in late June or early July). Any other returns should have documentation.

I have seen lots of manufactured (non-hand-crafted) items at the Stroll, Why the fuss?

We take measures to maintain the integrity the crafters section as best as we can. Members of the Solano Avenue Association who own businesses in the crafters section can do what they want with their storefronts and what they sell may not be handcrafted. in some cases SAA members allow relatives or outside organizations to sell in front of their businesses. Yes, you do see mass-manufactured items at the event, ideally/mostly outside of the crafters area. Importers/mass manufacturers are welcomed to apply as commercial vendors.

I am a crafter wanting two booths, do I have to pay two/double jury fees?


Why do I have to send physical materials (photos / CDs / DVDs) with my registration; why can't I just send you a link to my website or email you photos?

The selection for music and crafter "jurying" is essentially done in a circle of people (the Solano Avenue Association voluntary Board of Directors), passing around your registration packets. Because of the number of participants, having information "scattered" is not practical, and in the case of technology failure (via lost emails, failed memory devices, dead laptop batteries and more) it is best that we have physical materials from you "in-hand" during the screening process. (The exception being performers who apply through Sonicbids.)


(Fees adjusted in 2004 and 2010)

Arts & Crafts Fees


Initial Deadline


Vendor Fees $150 - Pre June 15 June 15
June 15-July 15 (Late)
$225 and $15 Jury separate checks
Jury Fees
$10 - Pre June 15
separate checks

Go to Step 4: Application

Please be sure you have all the info above to fill out the application:

We are no longer accepting registration for the 2013 Event

Crafter DEADLINE is July 15th (annually)

Registration begins on April 16th (annually)

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More questions? Stroll FAQ (Frequent Questions and Answers)Solano Avenue Stroll FAQ

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