Solano Avenue Entertainment Application

Please fill out this form online - it's easier to read if it's typed - then print it. If necessary you may fill out by hand.

Then mail (do not hand deliver or email) to:
Solano Avenue Association 1563 Solano Avenue #101, Berkeley, CA 94707-2116
Phone 510.527.5358

DEADLINE June 15th - annually

Name of
Contact person
Mailing Address
City State Zip
Primary Phone ext
Secondary Phone ext
Applicant hereby releases and agrees to hold harmless and to not bring any lawsuit, arbitration or other action, claim or proceeding (collectively "Release") against the Solano Avenue Association and its members, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors, representatives, attorneys, brokers, insurers, lenders, officers, directors, partners, successors (collectively "Solano Avenue Association") and assigns arising out of or relating to the Solano Avenue Stroll, except for negligence or willful misconduct of the Solano Avenue Association as described above. This Release includes but is not limited to any claim, loss, expense, cost, obligation and liability that Applicant may suffer arising out of or relating to the Solano Avenue Stroll whether by reason of breach of or failure of the Solano Avenue Association to perform in any manner or any part of its obligations related to the Solano Avenue Stroll or by reason of any act or omission of the Solano Avenue Association, except for negligence or willful misconduct of the Solano Avenue Association as described above. This Release includes but is not limited to every type of personal injury, property damage and damage to business interests, whether caused by Solano Avenue Association or a third party, natural, animal, or human-made disaster. Applicant also acknowledges that participation at the Solano Stroll is at the discretion of the Solano Avenue Association and Its Board of Directors; all event rules have been read / understood and have been distributed to all day-of-event participants within the organization (when applicable), and that incomplete registration packages will be returned without any prior communication. I also pledge to have fun at the event, eat lots of food, buy cool things, meet new and old friends - and help spread the word about the Solano Avenue Stroll! (No payments will be made if the show is canceled.)
Name Title
Signature Date

I have enclosed the following with this SIGNED application:

CA Sellers Permit number (all letters and numbers after "SR") so we may sell our materials.
** Please see our Board of Equalization page for vital documents that we need. Click here for the Stroll BOE page (will open in a new window/tab)
Our audition media (CD/MP3CD preferred) no podcast data or web-links - please
A self addressed stamped envelope with postage for the audition materials return (OPTIONAL, only required if you want them back)
Photos or other promotional materials for release in newspapers (not photocopies) Names on back. (OPTIONAL)
no yes Do you require electricity/amplification (acoustic performers are desired)
Range of money you would appreciate for your performance (0-$300 max.)
We prefer you choose one shift only (odd/even blocks are a possibility; two performance minimum - one hour on / one hour off)
Even Shift (10 am slot is optional / please mark preferred time slots; maintain a sequence - 2 minimum) 10 am 12 pm 2 pm 4 pm
Odd Shift (please mark preferred time slots; maintain a sequence - 2 minimum) 11 am 1 pm 3 pm 5 pm
Check should
be made out to:
Rock Blues Jazz Pop Classical Country
Any other
we need to
know about?

Now what?

  • Print and sign the application. (This is version 1.0 04/13/2013)
  • Include State Board of Equalization Documentation (for actual sales).
  • Note whether or not you need electricity (above).
  • Include a self addressed envelope with postage if you would like your submission materials returned.
  • Mail to address at top.
    (mail only, we have no fax number and no drop-off location.)

Thank you for your application and we look forward to seeing you at the Solano Avenue Stroll! Solano Avenue Stroll Sponsor Array